Posted by on Apr 9, 2018 in Blogs

history of the fox trot

Even if you are not a fan of ballroom dance, you have probably heard of the foxtrot– it is widely referenced in many areas of pop culture. Inside the ballroom, foxtrot is one of the most dominant and variable styles in all of professional dance. With such a wide gap of knowledge, Elite Dance Studios can only scratch the surface with the following article. This is a crash course in the history of the foxtrot, but for full appreciation: book a ballroom dance lesson today!


The foxtrot all begins with a young man named Arthur Carringford working as an entertainer in New York City during the 1910s. He had made a name for himself as a Vaudeville dancer under the stage name of “Harry Fox.” In 1914, the New York Theater became a movie house and hired Harry to perform between films. It was there he would develop a patented style of trotting to ragtime with the world famous Dolly Sisters– “Fox’s trot” took the professional dance world by storm.


Thanks to a combination of quick and slow steps, not only was “Fox’s trot” unique: it was also fun for the dancers to perform! Slowly but surely, the dance spread to the public via dance exhibitions– people then made it their own and popularized it in local dance halls. While it has undergone many an evolution, the foxtrot’s lively style enshrines it as one of the most popular ballroom dances among athletes and fans to this day!


While you may have seen the Jazz Age foxtrot performed in musicals, plays, movies and other period revivals– the modern dance has its own flavor and style. Moves like the “Weave” and the “Feather step” make foxtrot distinctly unique, but it is not limited to one type of performance or music. The modern foxtrot can be adapted to almost any style and preference– versatility and enjoyability define this popular ballroom dance.

Curious or concerned? Worried about being a beginner? Never fear! Our friendly instructors at Elite Dance Studios cater to every skill level and we can answer any questions you may have.