Behind the Scenes: Rituals, Superstitions & Dancing

Posted by on Aug 18, 2016 in Blogs

Artists and athletes are known to be a superstitious bunch– and dancers are no exception! Much like actors and other performers, many dancers’ myths revolve around the backstage area and preparations before a show. Amateur and pro athletes alike often swear by a routine in the dressing room to improve their performances… And guess who…Read More Here!

5 Strategies to Succeed at Your First Dance Competition

Posted by on Oct 27, 2015 in Blogs

So, this is it. You’ve mastered the moves, solidified your skills and conquered the choreography—now it’s time for your first dance competition. It can be nerve-wracking and physically challenging, but there are few thrills greater than turning in a perfect performance on a competitive level. Whether you are dancing solo, as a pair or as…Read More Here!