How to Return to Dance as an Adult


Posted by on Mar 9, 2019 in Blogs

The saying “once a dancer, always a dancer” rings true for some more than others. Maybe you danced as a child and are finding yourself craving to get back on the floor as an adult. Maybe you were a professional dancer but an injury put an end to your career. Regardless of the reason why…Read More Here!

5 Styles of the Samba


Posted by on Feb 9, 2019 in Blogs

The Samba has a rich history with roots going back to the 19th century when African people introduced the dance to Brazil. It is a quick dance paired with lively beats and has become a cultural identity for many Brazilians. Samba started as a solo dance, but has evolved and found its way through nightclubs…Read More Here!

Different Types of Tango


Posted by on Jan 9, 2019 in Blogs

You may be surprised to learn how many different styles of tango there are. Because tango is a highly improvisational and personal dance, it’s not hard to see how it quickly evolved from its traditional form as it moved across the world. Differing in tempo, basic dance movements, and the level of personalization allowed, the…Read More Here!